People pleasing can be an exhausting and damaging habit that can drain your energy and leave you feeling unfulfilled. But how do you break free from the cycle of constantly seeking the approval of others and start living life on your own terms?

The key to stopping people pleasing is to recognize that you have a choice. You may feel like you have to please others to be accepted and loved, but in reality, you always have the power to choose your own path. Here are some steps you can take to start unleashing your secret super power of choice:
Identify your values and priorities
What really matters to you? What do you want to achieve in life? Take some time to reflect on your values and priorities, and write them down. When you have a clear sense of what you want, it becomes easier to make choices that align with your goals.
Set boundaries
One of the biggest challenges of people pleasing is saying "no". It can be hard to turn down requests or invitations, but if you're constantly saying "yes" to everything, you'll end up feeling overwhelmed and resentful. Learn to set boundaries and say "no" when you need to. It's okay to prioritize your own needs and goals.

Practice self-care
When you're always putting others first, it's easy to neglect your own needs. Make self-care a priority. Take time to rest, exercise, eat well, and do things that bring you joy. When you're taking care of yourself, you'll have more energy and resilience to handle life's challenges.
Learn to handle criticism
One of the reasons people pleasing can be so tempting is because it feels good to receive praise and approval. But when you're constantly seeking validation from others, you're also vulnerable to criticism and rejection. Learn to handle criticism in a healthy way. Remember that everyone has different opinions, and not everyone will like or approve of you. That's okay. Focus on your own values and priorities, and don't let the opinions of others define you.

Celebrate your choices
Every time you make a choice that aligns with your values and priorities, celebrate it! It's easy to focus on the things we didn't do or the ways we fell short, but it's important to acknowledge and celebrate our successes. When you celebrate your choices, you reinforce the fact that you have the power to choose your own path.
Breaking free from people pleasing can be a challenging process, but it's worth it. When you stop seeking approval from others and start making choices that align with your own values and priorities, you unleash your secret super power of choice. You become the hero of your own story, with the power to shape your own destiny. So go ahead, make choices that matter, and let your super power shine!
If you ever need help or guidance, reach out. I'm always here for you.
With love, Luisa x