Learn more about soothing solutions from your inward journey toolbox.

In this and future 'How to live your best life - from the inside out' blogs, you will become familiar with terms like inner tool box, and that your natural and true nature is love, joy and peace.
Using your inner tool box is what creates your personal energy from within so you can create what and how you prefer to experience your reality on the outside. What I know, understand, experience and believe to be true is this. The energy that you are made up of creates a vibration.
This vibration makes up your true nature.

The inward journey tool I’m sharing in this blog is practicing being present.
Amazingly enough, following your heart is a way of staying present. Sometimes it takes effort to stay present as the mind likes to wonder and is to some extent conditioned to. One of the reasons for any kind of conditioning is due to not knowing any other way, mechanism to practice. So we quite literally need to catch ourselves out with our thoughts and it’s like having to change them “manually” This takes time and is an example about what I mentioned prior about needing to create time when choosing to go on your inward journey.
Which is perfect as this is another inward journey tool creating time for self.
Love how following your heart and exercising your passion and purpose allows everything to flow so effortlessly. The way it is meant to be. This is the kind of flow on effect being on your inward journey has which you will notice for yourself when you get the ball rolling for yourself. Like a smile being infectious, positivity breeds positivity.
It was through following my heart to start this blog that connected me with the work of Tony Brady. Tony encourages other seekers to explore and navigate the path of mindfulness. He offers amazing guided meditations that stream and nurture positivity.
I’m sharing a link that I stumbled across as I was seeking to connect with like-minded people and grow the love by sharing ways to keep us in the flow of love, joy and peace, and I found the work of this beautiful soul, Tony Brady. I hope his kind and gentle nature, soothing voice if you so happen to be drawn to his meditations. Tony is definitely a reminder you are love and loved.
Visit the link here - https://www.lifeofmindfulness.com/
It has been an absolute pleasure writing this blog thus far, from which I send a constant flow of gratitude for being able to do what I do.
Love, Joy, Peace