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Fall In Love With Yourself

Writer: Luisa RussoLuisa Russo

The key to creating and sustaining powerful relationships is to fall in love with yourself. This is where the inward journey tool, secret ingredient, and superpower of Kindness To Self really steps up and has your back. Activating it is way simpler and more instant than you think!

When you establish a powerful relationship with yourself, you set yours up for secure, successful relationships and interactions with others.

There is a surety that this happens, and it is this….

You stop relying on others in an emotional sense. In other words, you gain emotional freedom by creating peace, acceptance, trust with yourself.

Just like money, when you have it, you can spend it, you can give it to others, right? Being Emotional rich is the same sort of concept or mentality if you like, only way more potent, powerful, and forever sustainable. Like a great wine, it matures and enriches over time! It is a true sense of abundance in the form of energy that flows right through your physical body.

Learning how to be constant with this awareness until you realise you are doing it without thought is the ultimate mastery. I can share that once you get the knack or groove into your own natural vibration that is unique to only you… every moment onwards grows with more and more love, joy and peace.

In one sense, it takes time and patience… in the form of inward journey work. Inward journey work is where you gain your emotional freedom…with every second you give to you. In another sense, which is where I am guiding you more and more towards (Lol) the change to experience the richness that you are made up of which is Love, Joy and peace, is and can be INSTANT!

Here’s a parallel or analogy how you can begin to raise your awareness. It is something I am sure you can relate to. Washing your clothes. That’s right you read that correctly. Doing your laundry.

Here’s why…

In this next moment, I wonder if you can imagine your emotions are like a laundry basket full of your clothes and items that need to be washed.

Feel free to take a moment to picture that.

In the basket there are a mixture of clothes and other items making up darks and lights.

The dark items in the laundry basket represent other people’s emotions that have latched onto your true nature and that part of you that is not aware of how you can separate from them.

Feel free to take a moment to gain a sense of how that makes you feel.

The darks also represent how you experience your reality. The moments you feel trapped and unable to politely assert yourself or feel like you can choose what is right for you as you fear you will be on your own if you do and so from pure fear which creates your current thoughts you choose to remain. Remaining comes with a flow of let’s dub them “dirty” emotions such as anxiety, disappointment, frustration, anger, unfulfillment….

Becoming aware of this happening is the beginning and first steps to your emotional freedom. The reason this is so awareness gives you the power to change what is not serving what is right for you. I wonder in this very moment reading this, right now, I wonder if you could simply ask yourself what or how you prefer to feel. Now let’s get back to the washing!! If you choose to be politely assertive and confident to back yourself by doing what makes you feel good, start to separate your dark items from your lights.

The parallel, choosing what is right for you connects you to your inner self where your superpowers reside. By doing this you choose to nurture you. So, just like separating your darks from your lights when you launder your clothes you are learning and aiming to master your awareness to how to nurture your emotions.

Putting on two washes, one for your darks and one for your lights is a win, win. You essentially go full circle. As you help yourself you essentially become abundant with your true nature. You then set yourself up to be in the position to unconditionally help others.

So now that the laundry has had some love and attention….

What does financial freedom and material things really mean when you are not emotionally rich. The honest answer is nothing. The reason is financial freedom or success is not sustainable, emotional freedom is.

Living through the pandemic has been a harsh lesson that highlights the importance of emotional and mental health. I feel so grateful to have learnt well before the pandemic hit the world, my personal breakthroughs of the importance of my own mental and emotional health. I realise as part of these lessons I learn why things happened to me and as a direct result my loved ones around me namely my children. Even though as I write this I see the repercussions of what I felt I needed to do to which was primarily take care of my mental and emotional health has been extremely difficult and at some times has felt pretty much impossible for them and others to understand or accept.

To be on my inward journey path, committed and dedicated to working through what I can honestly describe was my own inner pandemic…on the surface choosing to take care of my mental and emotional health has cost me dearly. Part of this was my lack of the awareness I now have. Even as I write these words, I still fluctuate emotionally with feeling guilty and “what have I done… I didn’t want it to turn out this way… I never intended to hurt my children or be the cause of their emotional pain. Yes, for sure the biggest lesson to master. You may have heard this mindfulness tip: “The Universe never gives you what you cannot handle”. It is in wisdom like this that I find some reassurance and can focus on trusting what has happened even though it has blinded me at times to see that “it everything works out in the end.”

I learnt that when I focus on feeling like I am paying emotionally for choosing to take care of myself, the result is a losing situation. This is the result as guilt for example is like a dark item in the clothes basket. It is not a light emotion and there for needs to be sent off to be washed and cared for by separating from the light items that represent Love, Joy, and Peace. The true and natural nature of our being. The amazing thing is the changes that are required to change your mind set and therefore your energy which creates how you feel, and experience life are very simple and cost nothing but creating time for you, so you can work on you. There is no better reason than that. The key to creating and sustaining powerful relationships ultimately has everything to do with you and your relationship with yourself not the person you are in a relationship with. One of my inner mindfulness tools is simply, if you haven’t got it, you cannot give it. The key to creating and sustaining powerful relationships is by falling in love with yourself.

The questions then would be how and what do I need to get?

Let’s start with the ‘what’. You already have the ‘what’. What is simply your natural vibration. Your natural vibration is Love, Joy, Peace. When you are not feeling your natural vibration of Love, Joy, or Peace your natural state of being is being clouded by emotions created by fear. Emotions created by fear include anxiousness, disappointment, jealousy, shame, sadness, anger and even embarrassment. When emotions that are created by fear are present, you are not the best version of yourself. When you are not the best version of yourself, you are denying yourself emotional nourishment from your natural nature and vibration of Love, Joy, and Peace. When you are not the best version of yourself you cannot give the best version of you to others either!! Simple.

The inner journey is a self-healing journey. The most powerful thing you can give to yourself is to know you could self-heal. On the inward journey you do inner work. A subject of inner work, if you like is Kindness to self, aka Self Love. Creating and nurturing this ability to self-love is the ultimate feeling of abundance. When you have it you sure as hell can give it!

Let’s come together and make this simple. Healthy relationships begin with a healthy relationship with self not by a relationship with somebody. Let’s make this the new and enlightening perspective of thinking about relationships…even though love, joy and peace has always been and always will our true nature!!

Love, Joy, Peace out beautiful souls!




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