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My name is Luisa and I am excited and deeply grateful to have come this far. To recognise the opportunity of being able to connect with you and share ways that have assisted me transform and transition into living my best life.


Life has shown me the trend amongst us in achieving this success of “living your best life” with a very external based perception, goal, vision.


Van life, increasing travel, changing careers in a major way, downsizing. Basically ticking off things on that bucket list. This is all amazing and definitely brings joy and a sense of satisfaction as a result of the often hard work or blood, sweat and tears it involves and takes to achieve.

Where I come into the picture is by sharing as a result of practising what I am passionate about, tools I have collected along the way. One tool I call the full circle tool. The full circle to achieving or making a decision to live your best life is the one thing I notice most people forget.


That is, they forget about themselves.


That is what makes what I do very different. One of my go to sayings that came to me since on my own inward journey and I share with you now to help with understanding what I mean when I say full circle. I often use this inward journey tool to keep me on track. Here it is “you can’t give it if you haven’t got it” what makes the biggest difference no matter what or how you choose to live your life is living your best life from the inside. I am living proof that transformation and transitioning into a new and simply life in a constant joy bubble of joy peace love, is very real, achievable. It is living life from your natural vibration. The amazing differences discovered and incredible difference in how I feel blew me away, so strongly I realised it was my calling to share. How could I not share ways to live a life experiencing emotional freedom.


I am an inward journey guide. I refer to work as fulfilling my passion and life purpose and so inward journey guide seemed to naturally fit. Essentially the ultimate outcome is to assist in the healing process. That happens in a variety of ways, through intuitive energy healing, mediumship and workshops.


'No Wrong Answer' was an insight gifted to me unexpectedly since on my inward journey. The words 'No Wrong Answer' came to me when I discovered my passion and importance of emotional freedom. For me realizing there is no wrong answer came with a deeply profound sense of relief. The same happened to me with many other words of wisdom from my Higher Self. Another insight I call a gift and often share along with No Wrong Answer is, I have nothing to lose. This penny dropped one random day along with profound little validations that I have no doubt you too can expand your awareness to. All realities or realisations must be felt by yourself. For me they were sensed just like how you feel when you experience a breakthrough, realisation, wisdom or knowing. Initially these realities or realisations cannot be forced or learnt mentally, it’s the sense you get when you hear or say them to yourself or out loud.


This is the bridge I love assisting others with crossing.

The bridge that reminds you of the importance to connect with your senses.


I now know the steps I have taken pave the way for others.

Hence the comfortability in stepping into my role as the inner journey guide. Each time I am called or invited to step into my role as (potentially your inner journey guide) an organic opportunity to connect with others is created. Anyone who is looking for support, guidance or who is simply curious.


Consciously or not the reality is you found this website. That doesn’t mean anything much unless of course you choose to take the steps that you feel are right for you.


I would feel honoured and privileged if your choice was to go on your inner journey and you invited me along to assist in any way I can. That is the point of difference and message I wish to deliver. One based on empowerment from the get go.

I am here purely as your Inner Journey Guide if you so need me.


Once you choose to go on your inner journey, I can vouch without doubt, you can expect the following wonders and joy bubbles, discoveries and encounters. These include (but no means limited to) your perception and sense of capability to  self healing will go from strength to strength, self discovery will take a boost and bring a with it a burst of clarity to who you are, your relationship with self will significantly feel stronger and bring with it an undeniable sense of home and security, connecting and nurturing your higher self and trusting your intuition will feel so natural. Your interaction with others and your relationships will strengthen or undergo healing. In a nutshell choosing your inward journey, you will be reminded of your true nature.


It is my belief that our true nature is Love, Joy, Peace.

Image by Antonino Visalli


To help you reach your true nature on a journey inward: Your true nature enables you to:


  • Recognise when you need to call back your power.

  • Keeps you feeling empowered, confident, focused and calm.

  • Stay in the flow and on the path of your soul purpose.

  • Experience life in a joy bubble.

  • Guides you to your tribe or soul people/community.

  • Heals trust with yourself and others.


From an ever growing passion of taking myself off on my own inner journey, I discovered what I dub an 'Inner Tool Box'. Your inner tool box is a sanctuary within the core of your Inner Being.


The core of your Inner Being houses natural techniques that you have in your energetic make up - ready to tap into and call upon in any moment you may need them. Feeling emotional vulnerable or anxious are times you can tap into the natural techniques in your inner tool box.


Getting to know these natural techniques that reside in the core of your being, I can vouch you will also prevent and experience emotionally challenging situations or scenarios. Bypassing dramas that are created by others or your own fears  and insecurities that are designed to deter you from freely moving forward full of confidence in your joy, peace, love bubble.

Image by Zac Durant
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